My focus is on driving income statement improvements by identifying and solving process inefficiencies with the greatest financial impact. I use a unique approach that integrates the income statement into the operations, and leverages analytical skills and manufacturing process improvement techniques. I also create and execute organic and acquisition growth strategies that enhance the free cash flow and value of the company. I am passionate about developing and empowering teams, fostering a strategic culture, and delivering exceptional results.
An in-depth understanding of operations is critical to understanding the numbers. Without that knowledge, the numbers will potentially generate false positives and false negatives with regards to underlying correlations.
My background consists of 25+ years of deep involvement with operating teams which affords the ability to carry a decision from its infancy through every operating and financial impact that decision triggers.
Collecting data is simple, understanding what the data is telling you requires the ability to tell a story. Storytelling requires a general knowledge of every aspect of a business and how decisions in each area impact the results and decisions of every other area.
The wisest man to live, King Solomon, said, “Without counsel plans fail, but with many advisers they succeed.” Sometimes a sounding board is the extent of service needed to ensure proper decisions are made.
Not knowing what you don’t know is often the achilles heel of a leader. An outside advisor who is not emotionally or financially attached will often afford the opportunity to identify the unknown.
Board Director
Available to serve on the Board of both profit and non-profit organizations.
Due Diligence
With a strong operational finance background I can assist with clearing away the smoke and mirrors of a deal to derive the true value proposition.
Proof of cash, forensic analysis, valuation modeling, synergy discovery
Excel Modeling
Excel modeling is only as valuable as the user’s ability to run the model and interpret its outputs.
How you structure a model is often equally as important as the data you input. Read more